Why was this blog started?
I originally started a blog for a 4xxx level STSH class called How to Read the New York Times (Hence the un-original title, weird textbook-like references, and the occasional odd post). After my accelerated 6-week summer course ended, I realized that I wanted to keep that blog! I actually find it relaxing to get lost in news stories for 2 hours straight and then rant about it!
I decided to make a habit out of blogging, so I created this blog to follow my adventures in Honduras! I like sharing my success stories and failures, and trust me when I say that I have many, many failures. Often times I'm able to joke about my mistakes since they are gringa-level mistakes, so sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about my life.
I decided to make a habit out of blogging, so I created this blog to follow my adventures in Honduras! I like sharing my success stories and failures, and trust me when I say that I have many, many failures. Often times I'm able to joke about my mistakes since they are gringa-level mistakes, so sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about my life.
Who am I?
I'm just a country mouse trying to survive college in New York State. I wanted to major in Biomedical Engineering, realized I suck at Engineering (I attend Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute that is KNOWN for its Engineering), and finally changed my major! I'm now a Junior majoring in Science and Technology Studies while minoring in Communications.In November of 2018, I found a global health non-profit in Honduras and decided to move here to work. So far, work has given me an incredible opportunity to work in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual environment alongside my talented coworkers. I plan on living here for 7 months, so I plan to enjoy my stay and learn as much as I can in the meantime!
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