Moving Away for College

College is tough and classes are rough!  Besides this obvious fact, what is it like to move away for college?  And I'm not talking about simply moving 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or even 1.5 hours away.  What's it like moving 1,000 miles across the US to college in a new state with no friends, and no family close-by? I'm here to tell you a little about it and my journey from a small farm town in Central Illinois to college in New York's Capital Region.  

Hicktown picture via Shutterstock
So all jokes aside, my hometown looks pretty similar to this.  Potholes and cracked roads, farm equipment everywhere (including driving on the road with you), and literally nothing.  Now imagine going from that type of living, to this...

Living 10 minutes away from Albany's Capital building and literally living along the historic Hudson River.  My school sits atop of a giant hill that overlooks the Adirondack Mountains.  Can't get much better than this, eh?  Well, it wasn't always this easy.  There's some key things to remember

1.  You miss out on alot
I realized exactly how far away from home I was when I began missing family birthdays, family reunions, church potlucks, and new pets.  I was forced to watch from afar and it sucked.  But it made me become even closer to my family and BFF's.  Time on the phone was more cherished than ever, surprise gifts and packages brightened my whole week instead of only that day, and a simple "thinking of you" text meant the world.  

2.  Adulting is harder than you think
Although this term is SO overused, I secretly love it.  Living away from your family and friends means that you grow up pretty damn quick.  I had to schedule my own doctors appointments, shop for my own food on a budget, and make time for laundry & cleaning on-top of school work.  Was it hard especially for the first semester? Duh!  Would I do it again in a heartbeat?  Again, duh.  It has prepared me to live on my own, in ANOTHER new city for my Spring Co-op.

3.  You will find yourself.
I was originally pretty lonely at college.  I had to make a whole new friend group, co-live with a floor of 20 other girls, and start from scratch.  I was able to create a new me without the gossip and random yet embarrassing moments following me.  I joined a theater group, found on-campus research, got closer to god, found a boyfriend, and have made life-long friends.  These college friends have been with me through thick and thin - eating microwave mac n cheese at 4 am, 'swimming' in public fountains, crying together before a huge exam, and celebrating the victories together- no matter how small!  

By putting myself out there freshman year, I have become more in-tune with myself and have found who my real friends are.  By staying close to home and my High School 'friends', I wouldn't have been able to experience the same opportunities as moving away has given me.  So if you are even remotely considering making a big move for college, I encourage you to do it.  You never know what you might be missing.  


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